A movement designed to balance the scales and open gateways to financial freedom.
Eqwall makes it possible for people from all walks of life to benefit from a shared goal of equal wealth creation.
Eqwall is a transparent system using technology to grow shareholder investments equally and exponentially. Watch the video and learn more about how it works.
100% owned and funded by all investors, Eqwall regards all shareholders equally by sharing all company expenses and profits, including ownership in the company and the intellectual property it continues to develop.
Working together leverages the power in numbers to bring change to a broken system. An authentic and transparent approach that values the success of the team over the success of the individual or corporate entity.
Eqwall is founded by a group of forward thinkers, highly skilled in a variety of specialities, coming together to form a new and revolutionary concept.
Our values are built on egalitarianism, offering a new approach to financial investment technology and growth in the cryptocurrency space.
Starting out as a software company specialising in autonomous crypto trading technology, Eqwall evolved to develop FIRE, our software application designed to execute thousands of trades a day with maximum efficiency through it's automated trading system.
Not only does FIRE trade, track and store data, but it also analyses and improves trading efficiency through algorithmic capabilities to maximise profit for the benefit of all shareholders.
FIRE is designed to be fully autonomous in its trading capabilities offering a volatility protection mechanism with zero human input, protecting shareholders at all times.
Always one step ahead of the fundamentals.
Built on solid technicals from start to finish.
Eqwall sets the foundations, but it's shareholders' trust through investment that gives Eqwall exponential power to balance the scales.
A revolutionary concept built from a love for cryptocurrency, technology and humanity. A vision driven by egalitarian principles of equal sharing for all, empowered by new age technology.